Seasons greetings from the Beelite Family

It has truly been a blessing to keep our business family-based for our young future candle makers. They are our future, and watching them grow and learn new things is such a special part of our company. Our youngest are safely near us, office-wise, all day. Mommas trade off leading activities throughout the day while the other is filling orders and switching out our shop decor for the holidays!
This week we have tested out our newest mold starring our infant Heavenly Father, Mother Mary, and Joseph. Our youngest sibling has shown incredible skill in photographing our line, and we can’t wait to launch this trio nativity centerpiece. Sometimes novelties are meant to be enjoyed esthetically and not specifically burned. (Please stay updated for future blog posts on ways to keep beeswax candles looking bright and fresh for years to come!) Nana “Penny Trescott” has devoted all last week to casting our full 11-piece Nativity sets and the new Advent tapers, ensuring only the highest quality leaves our doors.
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given- Isaiah 9:6